Make sure that your company does not fall under any of the “Non-Acceptance of Job Orders” items.
For details on“Non-Acceptance of Job Order” under the Employment Security Act, please check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's website for the latest information (only available in Japanese).
(For your reference:
Please inform us immediately if any of “Non-Acceptance of Job Order” items applies to you, or if anything occurs that might apply to you.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
[English Summary of Japan Employment Security Act “Non-Acceptance of Job Order” (求人不受理)]
In principle, under the Japan Employment Security Act, recruiting agencies must accept all applications to post job openings. However, in March 2020, the revised Employment Security Act and related cabinet orders, ministerial ordinances, and guidelines came into effect, enabling recruiting agencies to reject jobs orders from companies (clients) who are in violation of certain labor-related laws and regulations.
Recruiting agencies are allowed to decline job orders in the following cases:
a job order that violates Japan laws or regulations
a job order that is determined to have inappropriate working conditions
a job order that does not clearly indicate working conditions such as wages/salary and working hours in accordance with Article 5-3, Paragraph 2 of the Japan Employment Security Act.
a job order from a person/company that has been subject to a disposition, public announcement, or guidance on corrective action for violating the provisions of labor-related laws
a Job from a company that is associated with antisocial forces/organized crime groups
a job from a company that does not respond to requests for self-reporting, without a valid reason
According to the Japan Employment Security Act, a recruiting agency should request a company (client) to self-report whether or not their job order(s) meets the above criteria, and a company (client) must respond to such requests by the recruiting agency.
If a company (client) fails to respond to a self-report request from a recruiting agency without a valid reason, its job order(s) will not be accepted.
If a company (client) makes an incorrect report, the company (client) may be subject to an admonition or public announcement by the Prefectural Labor Bureau.