就業場所: Tokyo, Kanto
賃金: 8,000,000 - 10,000,000 JPY
雇用形態: Permanent
言語: English > Business Level, Japanese > Fluent
業界: Services
サブカテゴリ―: Finance & Accounting Services
職種: Finance & Accounting
掲載日: 2024-07-01


当社は 5 カ国 9 社のグループ会社を通じ、途上国において中小零細事業向け小口金融サービス(マイクロファイナンス)を展開するホールディングカンパニーです。
低価格で良質な金融サービスを 2030 年までに 50 カ国 1 億人以上に届けることを目指しています。
2022 年 6 月末時点でインド・カンボジア・スリランカ・ミャンマー・タジキスタンに 8,000 名を超えるグループ従業員を擁し、融資顧客数
は 120 万人、融資残高は 800 億円を突破しました。


This company is seeking for a Regional Finance, who will strengthen Gojo’s finance team capability and support Gojo’s group companies in India and other Asian countries.

■Overall Job Scope
Preparation of the monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reporting on both the Standalone and Consolidated basis
Manage daily finance and accounting tasks
Work closely with the Group companies and the external auditors to close audit in a timely manner

■Key Duties and Responsibilities
The following duties and responsibilities generally refer to tasks at the company if not specified otherwise.

Financial Reporting
⚫ Preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual financial reporting of Gojo standalone and assist the preparation of consolidated financial statements under JGAAP.
⚫ Working closely with the external auditors and IPO consultants to prepare the annual securities report in compliance with the requirements under Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA).
⚫ Support J-SOX implementation to Gojo group
⚫ Support grant reporting
⚫ Support financial reporting of group companies under IFRS.

Accounting & Administrative Tasks
⚫ Examining expense claims by vendors and employees
⚫ Preparing journal entries, maintaining ledgers and reconciling accounts for the company's Singapore entity
⚫ Invoicing and performing intercompany reconciliation.
⚫ Managing remittance and related functions for all banking accounts
⚫ Assisting tax filing and tax payment
⚫ Cooperating with other departments to provide necessary information for project management, budget analysis etc.
⚫ Other ad-hoc activities and tasks as assigned.


➢ Over 5 years of experience in accounting or financial reporting in compliance with JGAAP /IFRS preferred.
The experience in an IPO preparation company or publicly listed company, and IFRS experience are plus.
➢ Being a Certified Public Accountant is a big plus. The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping 2nd grade or above (日商簿記 2 級以上) is a plus.
➢ Be passionate, aspirational, and highly motivated to commit to the goal achievement even in difficult situation.
➢ Strong interpersonal and communication skills
➢ Fluency in English and Japanese
➢ Proficiency in Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheet

求人番号: JO-231004-332773

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Thank you for applying! We shall be in touch with you.