
This job has been closed. You will find below the job description as a reminder. It is not possible to apply anymore.

就業場所: Tokyo, Kanto
賃金: 8,600,000 - 10,000,000 JPY
雇用形態: Permanent
言語: English > Business Level, Japanese > Fluent
業界: Consumer Goods
サブカテゴリ―: Automotive
職種: Finance & Accounting, Finance & Accounting
掲載日: 2024-07-26



This company was first established in 1901. This company is most well known for their premium luxury cars and is very well respected within the US car market. This company's cars are well known for their durability and quality. Most recently this company has also been gaining market share in the EV car market and is currently the top selling foreign automobile company for EV cars in Japan.


Objective of Position
当社の日本支店は、主要な市場であり、「車の最も愛されるブランドへ」というカンパニービジョンのもと、国内の多様なニーズに応える為に全国の正規販売店とともに、最高の製品、そしてサービスを提供しています。常に新しい挑戦・改善をし続けていく日本法人で、税務と ICS(内部統制)のマネジメントを行っていただきます。

This company's Japan branch aims to provide the best products and services to Japanese customers in collaboration with certified retailers, under the company vision "to be the most beloved brand". In a major market that continues to take on new challenges and make improvements, you will be responsible for managing taxes and ICS (internal control systems).

Task description
- 税務関連業務
 最新の税法に沿った税金負債と繰延税金資産の計算
 ドイツ本社からの要求に沿った詳細な税務情報のレポート
 税務申告(法人税及び消費税)に係わるすべての必要な情報を税理士事務所に提供
 最新の税法に対応した経理処理の設定あるいは改訂を他スタッフとともに実施
 他の経理課スタッフ、経営管理課スタッフあるいは他部署からの、すべての税金に関する問題についての相談を受け、アドバイスを行う
 移転価格の問題について対応
 税務監査への対応
 税務について、CFO あるいは本社からの質問等に回答

- ICS(内部統制)関連業務
 ICS スケジュールに沿った全体の ICS 業務を管理・遂行
 ICS 監査への対応
 ICS についての社内からの相談への対応
 ICS の文書、アセスメント、レビューについて能動的なレビュー及びモニターの実施
 社内に対して ICS の継続的な改善についてのアドバイス

- Tax related job
 To complete the calculation of tax liability and the deferred tax assets based on the latest income taxes regulation accurately and timely and post them.
 To prepare detailed information of income taxes/deferred taxes for HQ reporting accurately and in a timely manner
 To conduct collection of tax return of income taxes and consumption tax and provide all necessary information to a tax service provider accurately and in a timely manner
 To establish or update an accounting process to comply with the latest tax regulations together with accounting.
 To consult for all tax issues raised by other accounting staff, Controlling staff and other department.
 To handle all Transfer Price issues
 To manage tax audit
 To reply to CFO or HQ regarding the tax related inquiries

- ICS (Internal Control Systems) related job
 To conduct ICS activities according to ICS schedule.
 To correspond external auditor for ICS inquiries.
 To manage ICS issues
 To consult ICS issues in case of request by other departments
 To pro-actively review / monitor of quality of documentation, assessment and review
 To advise organization how to continuously improve ICS


 4 年生大学経済学部あるいは商学部卒
 日本語ネイティブレベル、英語ビジネスレベル(TOEIC 目安 850 以上)

 Bachelor’s degree in a university (economics or commerce)
 Language skills: Japanese (native level) and English (business level; TOEIC score of 850 or above)

 Microsoft Office(Word, Excel 及び PowerPoint 中級レベル)

 ポジティブで自ら率先して業務を行える方
 新しいビジネス展開に向けて発生する問題等を解決・改善できる方
 コミュニケーション能力が高く、他課員や関係者と Win-Win な関係性を構築できるような協調性をお持ちの方

 Positive and proactive mindset
 Able to enjoy new challenges and problem solving
 Good communication skills, cooperative mindset, and ability to build win-win relationships with other stakeholders

 税務業務経験 5 年以上あるいは税理士事務所経験 3 年以上

 Tax-related experience for 5 years, or experience at a tax advisory firm for 3 years
