就業場所: Tokyo, Kanto
賃金: ご相談可能
雇用形態: Permanent
言語: Japanese > Native, English > Conversational
サブカテゴリ―: Outsourcing
職種: HR & GA
掲載日: 2024-09-02


A global provider of corporate services offers a comprehensive range of administrative, compliance, and advisory solutions. These include company formation, fund administration, tax advisory, accounting, payroll, and regulatory compliance. Serving multinational corporations and high-net-worth individuals, the provider supports asset management and growth across various jurisdictions. With a presence in over 45 countries, including a dedicated office in Japan, the provider leverages local expertise and a global network to navigate complex regulatory landscapes. This ensures clients remain compliant while focusing on their core business. Their services are particularly valuable for managing cross-border operations and intricate corporate structures.


This is a Payroll & Benefits specialist position.
Your job scope includes monthly payroll calculations in Japanese, communication with clients and public institutions, as well as other social insurance-related tasks.

- 月次給与計算
- ボーナス計算
- 退職金計算
- 住民税の更新手続きと月次支払い
- 所得税の支払い
- 顧客とのコミュニケーション
- 年末調整
- 算定基礎届の作成補助
- 社会保険業務全般の補助
- その他労務関連業務全般

Monthly payroll calculations
Bonus calculations
Retirement allowance calculations
Procedures for updating and monthly payment of resident tax
Income tax payments
Communication with clients
Year-end tax adjustments
Assistance with preparing the Standard Remuneration Report
Support for all social insurance-related tasks
General assistance with other labor-related matters



Native-level proficiency in Japanese, email level English
Strong numerical skills and high attention to detail
Excellent communication skills with clients and team members
Strong multitasking abilities
Ability to adapt to a dynamic, changing environment

求人番号: JO-240815-362353

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Thank you for applying! We shall be in touch with you.